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Janell Wink shared a view of the Crow Wing County Fair from 2021, in Brainerd.

Jeanette Duis, of Clarkfield, shared a picture of her 16 year old son Matthew Duis and his grandpa, Glen Jorgenson. Proud moment here, after they went to an auction and Grandpa bought Matthew his first tractor.

Crab leaves and clover near the house at John Pfeiffer’s dad’s house in Andover.

Janell Wink shared a view of the Crow Wing County Fair from 2021, in Brainerd.

One of a kind nears 100: Stewart man, 99, served in the Army, raised wild animals, traveled the world
By JaMEY ROSENAU If you are part of a certain generation and live anywhere in or around McLeod County, you likely...
Sr Perspective

Impact of Willmar 8 Still Felt Today
By Patricia Buschette On occasions of social or political conflict, there are phrases that reverberate and...
Sr Perspective

Pastor with a Past: Minneota man was ‘in a downward spiral’ of drugs & crime, before he committed his life to God.
By Scott Thoma As a pastor in Minneota for the past 42 years, Tom Nomeland often tried to help others who may be...
Sr Perspective

Author inspired by love, loss
By Karen Flaten A writer often has many stories to tell, some from his or her personal life, some from stories he has heard along the...
Sr Perspective

‘I am just a country lawyer’
Morris man, 100, served during WWII, practiced law, served as a district judge By Katie Erdman “I am just a country lawyer.” That is how...
Sr Perspective

Things I have learned - The fruits of adventure
Today’s Wisdom: And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. Shanti By Bill D. Ward I...
Sr Perspective

‘Is this how I’m going to die, Lord?’
Priest prayed the Rosary while being airlifted after near-fatal crash By Roxane Salonen Reprinted with permission from National Catholic...
Sr Perspective

As I age, what changes can I expect with my eyes?
Answers by Dr. Melanie Thares, an optometrist at Eye Associates of Central Minnesota, located in St. Cloud Dr. Melanie Thares is new to...
Sr Perspective

Boomer's Journal - It’s in the gravy
By Rachel Barduson I like a little turkey with my gravy on my Thanksgiving Day plate. I like all the trimmings that go with the...
Sr Perspective

My Perspective - Thanks Johnny
“Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they...
Sr Perspective

Boomer's Journal - My life as a car
By Rachel Barduson Growing old is an art. It really is. We are a work of art, us humans. Our bodies are complex and amazing machines...
Sr Perspective

Post Script - So much
By Carrie Classon I heard him yelling before I saw him. He was in front of the church. His possessions were loaded into a shopping cart,...
Sr Perspective

Flight of the monarch
By Marlys Hagstrom of Hutchinson I sat on the front steps of our house enjoying the warmth of the August sun. As I shielded my eyes from...
Sr Perspective

Journey through grief
By Faith Anderson Grief is like wearing a backpack: The burden can be unbearable, or it can be light, but it’s always there. This simple...
Sr Perspective

Back to school at 80
Cedar Mills man pursuing GED to ‘satisfy myself’ By Jamey Rosenau People say things like, “We should get together more often,” or “Hey,...
Sr Perspective

‘What a remarkable life’
Fergus Falls woman celebrated 107 years By Thomas Hintgen Gratitude and serenity were conveyed by Gertrude Larson of Fergus Falls as she...
Sr Perspective

January 2023 Senior Perspective
Read about key members of the community and local adventurers in the January editions of Sr. Perspective. All the great local...
Sr Perspective

Things I have learned - A change of plans
Today’s Wisdom: Well, you give me too much credit for foresight and planning. I haven’t got a clue what the hell I’m doing. Robert B....
Sr Perspective

Uniquely me
Today’s Wisdom: “Stop letting other people’s wind determine the direction of your sail.” By Bill D. Ward Way back in seventh grade my...
Sr Perspective

A Blonde's Perspective - Dentistry has certainly changed
By Jan Stadtherr As a child, I hated to go to the dentist. As an adult, I tolerate each episode that occurs every six months. If only I...
Sr Perspective
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