My Perspective: Adding color to my family tree
Janell Wink shared a view of the Crow Wing County Fair from 2021, in Brainerd.
Jeanette Duis, of Clarkfield, shared a picture of her 16 year old son Matthew Duis and his grandpa, Glen Jorgenson. Proud moment here, after they went to an auction and Grandpa bought Matthew his first tractor.
Crab leaves and clover near the house at John Pfeiffer’s dad’s house in Andover.
Janell Wink shared a view of the Crow Wing County Fair from 2021, in Brainerd.
Boomer's Journal: Waiting for the newest catalog
My Perspective: Impact of suicides hits close to home
A Blonde's Perspective: My obsession with earrings
My most inspirational teacher/coach
My Perspective: What’s not in the paper
Memorable first dates
Just a Kid at Heart: A lengthy first date
My Perspective: ‘You may have already won!’
Just a Kid at Heart: Classroom distraction
From Where I Sit:Skating and fishing season
My Perspective: Subscription special now through Dec. 14
Checkers, gin rummy, old maid and more
Things I Have Learned: The day I was someone else
A Blonde's Perspective: Living in Critterville
My PerspectiveBiking Cuyuna on Adventure Day
Boomer's Journal: In a pickle
Just a Kid at Heart: Basement dance parties
My Perspective: When the world stopped, we got a dog
Just a Kid at Heart: Sunflower seeds and ballplayers