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My Perspective: School time stories sought

It is back-to-school time. Most kids in the state are preparing for the new school year, and a handful of school districts have already started.

For our family, this school year has a special meaning. Our youngest, Easton, is starting kindergarten. We have graduated from our day care years (we had a tremendous day care provider the last 10 years!) and now all our kids are in formal education. This is also a big year because our eldest is now in 5th grade, moving from elementary to middle school. He will now be in the same building as my wife, who is a business/computer teacher.

I always loved the first day of school. I enjoyed the last day of school, too, but not as much as the first day of school. It was always fun to see the classmates who you hadn’t crossed paths with during the summer. It seemed like some of them grew a foot since the end of May.

I was one of those kids who really loved going to school. I never faked an illness to stay home or skipped classes. I really liked school. During my elementary years, I seemed to like school a little too much. I got in trouble for talking too much, joking too much, and getting a little carried away in the “horse play” category. But as years went by, I took school much more seriously, and by 9th and 10th grade, I seemed to hit my stride.

There are somewhere between 190,000 and 200,000 readers of the Senior Perspective each month. I wonder how many of them are former teachers, principals, librarians and bus drivers? Over the years, I have run into several dozen teachers. Some taught in one-room school houses. Some transitioned from country schools to city schools. And some taught in the same school district from start to finish.

Do you have a story about a former teacher you would like to share? Are you a teacher and have a good story to tell about an experience at school? Or about a student who made a difference? I invite our readers to think about stories from their school days and send those stories to us at the Senior Perspective. I would like to print the stories in the next edition of the paper. The stories can have anything to do with your school experience, either as a teacher, student or staff member.

Send stories to Senior Perspective, School Stories, P.O. Box 1, Glenwood, MN 56334. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling, we can clean up the stories. Limit the stories to about a page long so we don’t have to edit out too much to make it fit.

Send the stories to me by Sept. 14, so I can prepare them for the next paper. Also, if you have any photos that go with the story, send those my way, too. I’ll take good care of the photo and will send it back after I scan it.

Cookbook photos, recipes

There is still time to submit a cookbook recipe or photo for the upcoming Sr. Perspective cookbook. We are looking for good photos that have something to do with a good recipe or a family food tradition. All those who submit a photo that is used in the cookbook will receive a free copy of the book. For recipes, we are looking for a few more recipes in every category except desserts (we have plenty of those). Send photos and recipes toP.O. Box 1, Glenwood, MN 56334 or email to

The cookbooks will be printed in October and distributed in early November. For more details, see the ad in the paper.

Veterans Day special section

One of my favorite publications of the year is coming up. “Heroes Honored” recognizes veterans throughout Minnesota and beyond. The special section comes out with the November edition of the Senior Perspective.

See more on pages 2 and 3 of the paper on how you can contributed to this year’s “Heroes Honored” special section.



Senior Perspective, PO Box 1, Glenwood, MN 56334  ||  (320) 334-3344

©2023 Senior Perspective. Site by Palmer Creations.

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