Kevin Bohnen of rural Buffalo Lake got to watch these two sparring deer in his front yard. The deer may have been practicing their Tae Kwon “Doe” or showing off their dance moves. The photo was taken back in March by Kevin, and sent in by Michael Schmalz.
Grace Picka’s grandson, TJ Pereson of New Prague, enjoyed the snowstorm that came at the end of March, by building an impressive snowman.
The northern lights made a stunning appearance in Alexandria, Minn., on March 26. The KP index that night was 8. A good view of the northern lights only requires an index of 5. This allowed Patti Dummer to capture such a great photo from her patio door on Lake Darling.
Mesa Ariz. had a lot of rain this year. Making this spring a spectacular show of blooming poppies. Terri Sanoski of Cushing sent this photo to us back in March.
The opossum has thumbs on its hind foot, and has 50 teeth, the highest number found in any land mammal. This opossum was enjoying a snack laid out for it by Al Batt, of Hartland.
Amy Magnuson of Clear Lake, S.D. sent in this fun photo of her daughter, Annie, greeting Cosmo the camel in February of 2023. Cosmo wanders around Amy’s friend’s farm and enjoys greeting their visitors as if he was their friendly farm dog.
Kristie Flachmeyer captured a full rainbow sitting above the buffalo statue at the Allina Crossroads Clinic in Buffalo.
These brave deer were spotted in Brainerd by Donna Aase in April. She says they were not even afraid of the dog that watched from the snow bank as the deer walked through She saw deer right out the window almost every day while she was staying at her friend’s house.
The Great Blue Herons are busy building or repairing their nests at the rookery in Rockport ,Texas. Both Herons in a pairing gather sticks for repairing, while typically the male will gather and the female builds in the assembly. This example of the two birds at work was sent in by Sue Taylor of Hitterdal.
Bug the cat was very interested in trying to smell the flowers that were out for display last July. The photo was sent in by DeVonne Koppenberg of Rockford.
Snow tires or frosted donuts? Janet Hoernemann found herself wondering this outside of Larson Farm supply in Herman. The tires got their frosting during the last big snowstorm we had this year.
Grandpa John catfishing with his first grandchild on the Cottonwood River. The precious memory was sent in by Tara Kaufenberg of Walnut Grove.