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Let no veteran be forgotten

Fundraising underway for new Veterans Memorial Park

Veterans Memorial Park will be located at Broadway and 8th Ave. in Alexandria, Minnesota. Nine flagpoles will adorn the periphery of the monument, including the flags of the United States of America, the state of Minnesota, POW-MIA; Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. The park will include restroom and picnic amenities. Architectural drawing of project

A project to establish a long-lasting memorial and tribute to those who have served honorably in any branch of the United States Armed Forces is underway in Alexandria.

The project mission statement welcomes all veterans to participate: “Veterans with connections to this remarkable area of West Central Minnesota are encouraged to apply for inclusion within the Veterans Memorial Park (VMP) but applications from ALL honorably discharged veterans will be welcomed.”

The memorial will provide a patriotic and hallowed area to honor both deceased and living veterans and to invite and include those currently serving in the armed forces of the United States of America. The VMP Committee hopes that this memorial will build community collaboration, city and county partnerships, individual, philanthropic and business donors, and provide a greater good to the entire community of Alexandria and West Central Minnesota. Through veterans, this memorial will be built.

Let no veteran be forgotten

The Veterans Park Memorial (VMP) of the Alexandria and surrounding West Central Minnesota area, presents the opportunity to give a remarkable gift to honor those individuals who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America beginning with our country’s inception on July 4, 1776.

• Any veteran, living or deceased can be honored and specifically recognized with her/his name permanently engraved on a granite tablet within the VMP through a donation of $100 on behalf of that veteran. “Vetnames” are needed!

• A “Gift of Honor” brochure to include a “Vetname” engraved in black granite within the VMP can be obtained by emailing the committee at: or calling (320) 460-8303. Veterans to be honored in any WAR ERA of the VMP need not be connected with Alexandria or Douglas County. Checks in the amount of $100 for each veteran to be memorialized can be made out to and sent to Veterans Memorial Park, P.O. Box 733, Alexandria, Minnesota 56308.

• There will be a small but respectful and solemn portion of the park dedicated to those who either lost their lives (KIA), are missing (MIA), prisoners (POW) or demonstrated exemplary valor in the face of the enemy and/or have been awarded the Medal of Honor. It is critical that those with connections to this area who have a loved one meeting these criteria contact the VMP Committee with details as soon as possible.

The main focus of the Veterans Memorial Park will be a 9-foot life-size granite replica of the Liberty Bell atop a five-sided pentagon pedestal with the words: LIBERTY, FREEDOM, HONOR, PEACE, JUSTICE. Its base will be encircled with the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Architectural graphic of proposed project

Ready for groundbreaking

The public’s financial support can make this park a reality. The Veterans Memorial Park website will be launched on July 5, 2019 –

• The city of Alexandria has been supportive of the project since its inception. The city’s support resulted in making the old Legion Park available, a parcel of land located at the corner of Broadway and 8th Avenue. The budget for construction of the Veterans Memorial Park is $1,100,000. Plans include Americans with Disabilities Act compliant bathrooms and a picnic pavilion.

• Donors who pledge in excess of $5,000 will be recognized on the grounds of the VMP in a permanent medium. The five “lead donor category” levels are: 1-Star $5,000, 2-Star $10,000, 3-Star $25,000, 4-Star $50,000 and 5-Star $100,000. Donations under $5,000 will also be recognized.

• The main focus of the VMP will be a 9-foot life-size granite replica of the Liberty Bell atop a five-sided pentagon pedestal, with the dedication scheduled for July 4, 2020.

Ready for dedication

Dedication ceremonies are being scheduled for July 4, 2020, almost 250 years after the inception of our nation on July 4, 1776!

Not only will the VMP result in an exceptional tribute to all veterans, but it will also create a spectacular city park with extensive public amenities located close to Alexandria’s central business district and next to a legacy neighborhood of older homes within close walking distance to the new park.

Aerial architectural image of the proposed project.

The Veteran’s Memorial Park Committee and all local veterans service organizations would like to thank the Alexandria and West Central Minnesota area for support and encouragement in the building of this park and in sharing an opportunity to thank veterans who have served with honor. The IRS has recognized VMP as a 501(c) (3) entity. Veterans serving on the VMP committee are donating freely of their time to build this memorial and are pleased to answer any questions and accept your donation.

Please feel free to contact any member of the VMP committee at (320) 460-8303 or at our website

And lest we forget – the public freedoms and amenities iterated above for the enjoyment of our citizens have been made possible by the sponsors of the VMP – those veterans, those soldiers once, young, idealistic and committed to the cause of Liberty, Freedom, Honor, Peace and Justice as they saw it through their youthful eyes who then, each and every one of them, signed a contract beholden to the United States of America to protect and defend those values up to including the ultimate sacrifice of one’s own life!

Let No Veteran Be Forgotten

The war eras for inclusion of veteran service: Early War Era 1776-1917

Global War Era 1917-1950

Cold War Era 1950-1990

Gulf War Era 1990-Present

To adhere to the dedication schedule for the engraving of over 7,000 veteran names on black granite monoliths, the VMP Committee has set Sept. 30,2019, as the deadline for submitting names for any veteran who served honorably in the U.S. Military prior to 1951. The sign-up deadline for the Cold War Era is Dec. 31, 2019, and the Gulf War closes March 31, 2020.

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